First Call for Abstracts

Abstract Guidelines and Preparation

  • Guidelines are the same for those wishing to submit abstracts for oral or poster presentations.
  • Abstracts should be concise, focusing on why the study was done and on primary conclusions and may not exceed 400 words. No tables, figures, maps or literature cited should be included in the abstract.
  • Abstracts must be prepared in Microsoft Word.
  • Please use 12 point, Times New Roman font with one inch page margins. Bold the title, and bold and italicize authors’ names. Emails must be included with your address.
  • The Science Program Committee strongly recommends that authors download the Example Abstracts and simply replace text in the example to ensure conformation to abstract guidelines.
  • The first word in the first line of the abstract page (in bold font and capitol letters) should indicate your first choice regarding presentation options – TALK or POSTER.
  • When a student is the main author, please include “Student as Primary Author” after presentation type and an asterisk after the student name in the author byline.

Abstract Submission

  • Abstracts must be received before or (deadline will be posted soon); those failing to conform to guidelines or received after the deadline will not be considered.
  • Please name electronic files using the following conventions: 1) first author’s first initial and last name, followed by underscore “_”, followed by the type of submission (“talk” or “poster”). For example bdugger_talk.doc); if the same first author is submitting more than one abstract in either category, then differentiate among the separate submissions using numbers immediately following the author name (e.g., jblack1_poster.doc, jblack2_poster.doc, etc) and saved as a *.doc file compatible with Office 2007.
  • This year, all abstracts must be submitted on this web page.  See “Submitting Your Abstract(s)”.

Example Abstracts [Download]:

Submitting Your Abstract(s)

Before submitting your abstract, please ensure you have saved everything correctly. If you are submitting more than one abstract, fill in the form below and submit one document for each abstract. Deadline for submissions is  September 19, 2022.

    File size should not exceed 1MB. All abstract documents must be uploaded as .doc or .docx files.

    Submit if you're applying for a grant or award. Files can only be uploaded as .doc, .docx or .pdf.